Forgiveness is in God's Hands

Paradise: A Gift of God No human action is the key to Paradise. Human actions are meant only to attract the mercy of God. One who realizes God will find that God will turn to him and, by His special grace, He will decide about his entry into Paradise.

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The Quran says in Surah al-Fath that God has forgiven the Prophet. In spite of this, why was the Prophet never sure about this matter? The Prophet once said: وَاللهِ مَا أَدْرِي وَأَنَا رَسُولُ اللهِ ‌مَا ‌يُفْعَلُ ‌بِي ‌وَلَا ‌بِكُمْ (Sahih al-Bukhari 7018) By God, I don’t know, even though I am God's prophet, what would happen to me and what would happen to you. I used to think why the Prophet said so. The Quran states that God has forgiven the Prophet. Then why was the Prophet not sure about what would happen in the Hereafter? Today I had an experience that helped me understand this matter. I thought about this hadith and other such hadith. I suddenly realized that if the Day of Judgment comes and all of humanity is standing before God Almighty. And then the angels call out my name and ask me to come forward. They say to me: God Almighty will Himself hand over the ticket to Paradise to you. If I hear this voice and I step forward toward the throne of God Almighty, then to the very last extent I will tremble with fear. Even if I reach God Almighty, I will have the feeling: وَالْأَمْرُ يَوْمَئِذٍ لِّلَّهِ  (82:19) God [alone] will hold command on that Day. God has all power in His hands. He has the authority to change His decision in a fraction of a second. Nobody can question Him. God decided to make the heavens and the earth. If in a fraction of a second God had decided to change this decision, who could have stopped Him? I felt if I went forward in the direction of God's throne, my heart will surely know that God Almighty has all power in His hands. If at the last moment, He decides to not hand over this ticket to me, then who can stop Him from this decision?

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